Electrification offers the opportunity to completely rethink vehicle design and UX, and plenty of companies are keen to show off their vision of that. This month we take a closer look at Aehra’s interpretation of future mobility, exemplified by its prototype electric SUV.
That may indeed indicate the direction of personal mobility, but just how long will private ownership stick around? It’s a highly debated topic, and developments within shared mobility and autonomous driving suggest there will be interesting alternatives on offer in the coming years. Automotive World heard more from Uber, Motional and Halo on this front. We also take a closer look at developments in EV battery technology, location data and Industry 4.0.
In this issue:
- Aehra aims to change the shape of EVs with new SUV
- Warnings on Tesla stock bubble grow louder
- Uber and Motional target record robotaxi deployment
- Cost and compatibility challenge ultra-fast network rollout
- The road to robotaxis will be an iterative journey
- Where next for wrong-way driving detection?
- Mobility innovation stalls in Russia
- Manufacturing data: too much of a good thing?
- Automakers must reconcile EV ownership with affordability
- On-demand services are changing attitudes to car ownership
- What does sensor fusion mean for the future of radar?
- Euro 7 highlights economic vs environment debate
- As charging times drop, battery tech must evolve
- Location data: the keystone of the software-defined car